The Journal Routine That Changed My Life
The Journal Prompts To Save Your Mornings…
The journaling routine that changed my life…
I want to talk to you about the right mindset we should all have to start our day with intention and good energy that will resonate.
Every night before I go to bed I sit down with my journal and I try writing out all of the thoughts that have been stuck in my mind for a while. They might be thoughts that I’ve been pushing away, something that’s been bothering me or simply that I haven’t had time to process. Clearing my head of all these jumbled words makes it much easier to wake up and start the new day with a fresh perspective. It’s kind of like training your mind to not let the day before way you down. I find that this exercise helps me to be more present in the moment too.
A few questions that might help you get started when journaling these things :
How can I redirect the way I am thinking about [this] in a positive direction?
Does [this] still affect my mood even when I am in a happy setting?
Looking at the bigger picture, should I really be thinking about [this] as much as I do?
Redirecting your thoughts is something that takes practice so remember to be patient with yourself. Later, I would love to write a blog specific to this topic for you! Now let’s talk more in depth about a morning routine that is going to keep your energy levels high, be filled with positive intentions, and help you create the life you want.
When you wake up, what’s the first thing you do? For me I like to create these morning pages in my journal and I’m gong to share with you what all they include…
Getting Thoughts Out : The first few pages usually start out with me writing down what has been heavy on my mind. A lot of the times when I find myself in situations it always helps to write it out. Putting your feelings on paper gives you a chance to be present with your words, and helps you to really feel them. It gives your feelings the attention they need. Writing how you feel is your own language, it’s the way you speak and nobody can take that away from you. It helps to make sense of your life, and makes everything you’re going through seem manageable. Writing also helps you to realize that there are answers in everything. You can find answers in seeing the problem right in front of you. However, with that being said, it doesn't necessarily have to be something that’s bad. It could be a new opportunity that’s presented itself to you but you aren’t sure it’s the right choice. Write a list of pros and cons to help you see the benefits clearly.
3 Things You’re Grateful For : I can’t express enough how important it is to create a list of things that you are grateful for. So instead of saying something like “I am grateful for my dog.” Try writing your gratitude list in detail. An example would be; “I am grateful that each time I come home, my sweet dog is waiting for me by the door. I am grateful that when I’m down, he nudges me to pet him and show him love. He is the sweetest boy and always has my back.” Another example would be saying “I’m grateful for the things that inspire me…” Then you could talk about whatever gets you motivated and is energy fueling in detail. It’s about expressing yourself. After you try this for a few days you’ll find that you are connecting with yourself more and more.
3 Things You Believe In : This is one of my favorite exercises to do when writing these morning pages because it creates passion for things you support. The other morning I was really focusing on this and I wrote, “I believe in the Earth. How it has supplied us all this time and I promise to do my best at taking care of it.” After writing that it just made me feel good. It brought me peace in knowing that I care for nature and the world that so many of us take advantage of. Remember to make these personal to you because one of the main goals is to connect with yourself.
What Would Make Today Great? : I know you’ve heard of setting intentions before. An intention is a clear signal to the universe, your subconscious, and conscious mind. A calling to the desires you wish to receive. Taking a few deep breathes and analyzing how you’d like your day to go. “Today is great because I started with a refreshed morning, ate breakfast and headed to work with a good mindset…” These intentions are going to help you imagine yourself already having a great day. Don’t forget that these intentions can be whatever you want them to be. We live in a creative universe that is all about variety and experiences. Whether we are aware of it or not, manifestation is happening all around us. We each have the innate abilities to to create the life we desire. Intention setting can also be known as a deep commitment. It creates clarity in yourself that serves an anchor of focus of what you are creating. Intentions can be set verbally or through writing.
Affirmations : You might be wondering how to go about creating positive affirmations so I came up with tips to help you start. Start with the words “I am.” Use the present tense and state in a positive mindset. Try to keep them brief and to the point. Make them detailed and specific. Include an action word ending with -ing. Lastly, try to include at least one dynamic emotion or feeling word. For this exercise I came up with different types to show examples of affirmations that can be specific to who you are.
If you are the ‘Achiever’ type a few affirmations that could help are:
I am a magnet for abundance.
I align with opportunities that bring me success.
My passions are in demand and people are attracted to what I have to offer.
If you are the ‘Individualist’ type a few affirmations that you could write are:
I am constantly growing and forever evolving
I freely express my emotions and feelings in healthy ways.
I release myself from overthinking because I am right where I’m supposed to be.
If you are the ‘Challenger’ type a few affirmations you can say every morning are:
Bit by bit, I am creating a life I love.
I set boundaries so I can rest and recharge.
I put energy into things that matter to me.
Please feel free to use these affirmations every morning and even in the evenings if you’d like as well. I have a lot more I could share if you are interested! Practice takes time so remember to have patience with yourself. The idea behind affirmations is that you are practicing self love and positive thinking.
I Approve Of : The point of this exercise is to help you find approval in yourself. To start, you can write the words “I approve of _______.” What you want to fill in the blank with is up to you. This can be something you already approve of in yourself. For example : “I approve of my humor and how I have the ability to make others laugh.” What I also like to do sometimes is create a sentence using something I disapprove of in my self and try to find approval for it. One thing i’ve always struggled with is starting projects and not finishing them before I start something new. This made my head super jumbled from all the ideas I was holding in. It made me feel unreliable. This is something I needed to find approval for. And after doing this exercise I was never forcing myself to do anything I didn’t want to do. I felt much more free and open. If you want to use this for things you don’t approve of in yourself then start small. Try finding approval for each little characteristic and working your way through it. I have more examples below.
“I approve of my thoughts. My positive thoughts will keep me grounded and aware in self-love. They permit good energy to those around me. I am proud of myself.
“I approve of my work ethic. I work hard for what I want. I am capable of doing hard things, and I have so much to offer the world.
When you decide to pick up a pen and start writing remember that you don’t have to do each of these every time. If you’re just getting started maybe write 2 or 3 of these entries and go from there. For those of you who feel comfortable practicing these all together, nothing is stopping you! Have patience and keep them personal to you.
These are just a few pages where I’ve been breaking down the 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success to help myself tap into the right mindset.
Just to show you an example of what my journal usually looks like…
Now that we’ve went over the different entries that will help you connect with your soul, I just wanted to give credit to the sources that I’ve gathered this knowledge from. Whether it’s from a YouTube video, an Instagram page or even a podcast.
♥ ♥ ♥
Before you go…
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this week’s post. If you are new here and reading my entries for the first time… welcome to A Dreamer’s Life! I’m so pleased to have someone to share advice and personal experiences with. I am super excited for the future of this blog & to bring you more content documenting a very free lifestyle.
A big part of this blog is to not only help you reconnect with yourself but also to create a lovely support system. This is a place you can always come to escape the overwhelming realities of the world. So first things first, how are you feeling? Tell me about your passions and inspirations and why you ended up here. I want this to be a place where you guys can express yourselves freely and unapologetically. Feedback & suggestions are always welcome. Reach out to me anytime you’d like.
I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.
Follow me on my other socials for day to day updates on what’s happening in my life. Everything will always be linked down below. You can expect more from me very soon. Love you guys and see you next week.
- Anna
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