Life update + Tips for College Success
“College provides an opportunity to broaden your horizons, challenge your assumptions, and develop a thirst for knowledge that will last a lifetime. It’s not just about getting a degree; it’s about the journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth.”
A quick life update…
So, it’s been a while.
As a writer, I have a lot of freedom to dabble in certain things that are new to me, such as writing for my college’s newspaper. It’s a student organization called the Six Mile Post. I’ve always loved writing in journals and I pretty much take mine everywhere with me. On the days that I decide I probably won’t need it… are the days I always wish I chose to bring it with me the most.
Although, I didn’t always see myself being a journalist. I just knew I loved to write from a very young age when I wrote my first children’s book on Polar Bears and had dreams of becoming an author one day. Writing was something I found myself doing as a kid all the time. Fast forward to 22 year old me and nothing has changed except I love reading more than I ever have. Whether it be fiction, murder cases, my educational studies, or journalism research… there are a few books I carry in my bag everyday.
Granted, I am a full time college student while being secretary of my family business. I’m a sophomore and completely in love with college. I graduate with my associates in just one more year and will move on to studying for my bachelors after that. College has benefited my life socially and mentally. I often find myself having those moments where I’m saying aloud how amazing life has been for me. That exciting jolt of feeling free to be myself and being able to do whatever I want is unmatched. Choosing to be responsible can bring you so many rewards and lots of important knowledge.
I honestly put myself through so much in the last 3 years that I should have known better than to test the waters of. I almost wonder how I survived it, but then I think of my family. Point being, I learned so much and feel very mature now that I’ve experienced what I went through which is what I try to remember when I find myself feeling regretful.
Life is what you make it and I’ve worked so hard to finally feel like myself again. I have a solid, effective routine that includes balancing my job, career and other hobbies that I crave advancing in. Every day used to be a struggle to get out of bed with no recognition of all that I have to be grateful for. Now I appreciate the mornings so much. Which leads me into my first tip to share with you: TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF IN THE MORNING.
Maybe you’re already a college student and returning for a new semester or a freshman just starting, this blog post will help you become more prepared and confident taking on the new season.
College tips
According to Healthline, research shows that those who get up earlier tend to go to bed earlier and enjoy longer, better quality sleep. Which in turn comes with many benefits such as an improved mood, better concentration and even lowers the chance of diseases. I used to associate the thought of waking up early with just being groggy and in a rush to get out the door. Can you relate? Reflecting on this and changing my mindset towards it was what saved my mornings.
My ideal morning consists of waking up at 6 a.m., eating a bagel or other sources of protein, laying out my yoga mat, taking the time to stretch my body and wake up slowly. I try not to pick up my phone at all and make sure I drink a full glass of water. After all of that is done, I fill in my daily gratitude list from The Five Minute Journal and proceed to get ready for the day ahead of me whether I’m going into my office or heading to campus for newspaper story interviews.
You already know this, but your ideal morning routine will look different than mine and that’s okay! I’d love to know… how do you spend your mornings?
If you haven’t invested the first few hours of the morning to simply be with yourself, you might not preform as best as you could be throughout the day. What is your favorite thing about your morning routine? A balanced morning routine is a great idea for everyone and can change your entire day.
Having a morning routine can set you up to feel organized for the rest of your day. While mentioning routines, let’s talk about when you should be taking the time to study for your classes: FIGURE OUT OPTIMAL STUDY TIMES.
Whether you are easily distracted or not, finding the right time to effectively study can make a difference in your performance. For me, I have to study when I’m not tired. Identifying the most productive study times allows you to make the most of your study sessions. Personally, I think there isn’t any point in studying if you aren’t engaging in the content or caring about the information you’re trying to understand. Plus, when you study during periods when you are most alert and focused, you can absorb information more effectively, leading to better understanding and retention of the material.
Knowing your optimal study times helps you manage your schedule better, ensuring that you allocate sufficient time for studying while also making time for other important aspects of your life. By having a set study schedule that aligns with your peak productivity hours, you can reduce the likelihood of procrastination. When you know you'll be most efficient during certain times, you're less likely to put off studying and more likely to get started promptly.
You might get burnt-out trying to study at sub-optimal times or cramming late into the night. Understanding your optimal study times helps you avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits and maintain a healthy balance between academic responsibilities and personal well-being. You can build your study times. Don’t expect to dive into a 3 hour study session. Just go for 30 minutes or an hour at first. You’ll notice the results such as your grades getting higher and you’ll become quicker at retaining information.
One of the things I am most grateful for when it comes to college is getting closer to a lot of the professors and other staff. I take my classes online, but since I’m a writer/photographer for the newspaper and also a student ambassador, I’m always driving to each campus for interviews or events. I’ve met so many amazing new friends at my college and being involved with the school brings me so much opportunity that I’m always looking for. My next tip would be: CREATE A “PERSONAL BOARD OF ADVISORS.”
The idea of a "Personal Board of Advisors" is to build a diverse group of mentors, professors and peers who can offer guidance, support, and valuable insights throughout your college journey. Just like a company's board of advisors provides strategic direction, your personal board can serve as a trusted network to help you navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and achieve your academic and personal goals.
Look for individuals who inspire you, possess expertise in areas you're interested in, or have experiences that align with your aspirations. Consider professors, academic advisors, career counselors, alumni, and even friends and family members. Reach out to each potential advisor to request a meeting or a quick chat. During these conversations, share your goals, aspirations, and challenges, and seek their advice on how to make the most of your college experience.
Aim for diversity within your board. Include advisors from various academic disciplines, career paths, cultural backgrounds, and life experiences. Be open to feedback - this is how you grow! Remember that mentorship is a two-way street. Offer your assistance or support in ways that align with your skills and interests. Sometimes, being a supportive listener or helping with a project can make a positive impression on your advisors.
If you haven’t had the chance to get started with extracurricular activities or joining organizations within your school, I would highly suggest doing this for a number of reasons. It can broaden your social skills tremendously and can also improve your mood towards college life. So, my next tip for you is to: ESTABLISH A “CHALLENGE WEEK.”
Designate one week each semester as a week where you take on new activities, clubs, or workshops outside your comfort zone. This helps you build diverse skills, make unexpected connections, and develop a growth mindset.
You could start by setting specific goals. Identify the social skills you want to improve, the clubs you're interested in joining, and the personal growth areas you'd like to focus on. Reach out to the faculty that are in charge of those clubs and send them an email or see if you can catch them on campus one day.
Embrace the idea of stepping out of your comfort zone and be open to trying new experiences. Mentally prepare yourself for the challenges ahead, knowing that personal growth often comes from pushing your boundaries. Engage wholeheartedly in the activities, workshops, and clubs you've chosen to explore. Be an active participant, ask questions, and take advantage of every learning opportunity.
Acknowledge and celebrate your small victories throughout the week. Whether it's initiating a conversation or trying out a new activity, every step forward is an achievement worth celebrating.
Focus on active listening during conversations and club meetings. Pay attention to what others are saying, ask follow-up questions and show genuine interest in their perspectives. Take time to reflect on your experiences. Note the social interactions you had, any challenges you faced and how you felt throughout the day. You could even maintain a journal to collect your thoughts and it’s a great place to keep track of suggestions you might have that would benefit the club you choose. Remember that personal growth is a journey, and each step you take towards pushing your boundaries brings you closer to achieving your goals.
Lastly, to get you prepared with the right way to study: UTILIZE THE POMODORO PRINCIPLE.
Apply the famous time management technique. The pomodoro principle is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. It involves breaking work or study periods into focused intervals, usually 25 minutes long, separated by short breaks. It can be used in social settings when working on group projects to keep everyone on the same pace or when studying alone.
I always type in “pomodoro study session” in YouTube. There are so many videos that have different time frames. For example, some are filmed to be five 30-min sessions with 10-min breaks in between. Or another time frame would be five 25-min sessions with a 5-min break in between.
Most of them usually have background noise like rain or lofi music to help keep you calm and focused. Each session ending is an accomplishment and inspires you to finish your studying. The pomodoro technique is a great study tool!
Here are a list of links to some of my favorite sessions on YouTube:
2-Hour Study with Me / Balcony Moon Rise / Pomodoro 50-10 / Relaxing Lo-Fi / Day 148
study with me with lofi music | Pomodoro (25 min study x 5 min rest)
STUDY PLAYLIST 🍁 3-HOUR STUDY WITH ME POMODOROS/Relaxing Lofi/ Cozy Autumn Afternoon/Timer and Alarm
2.5-HOUR STUDY WITH ME / calm piano / 🚢 Yokohama Harbor at SUNSET🌃 / with countdown+alarm
Before you go…
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this week’s post. If you are new here and reading my entries for the first time… welcome to A Dreamer’s Life! I’m so pleased to have someone to share advice and personal experiences with. I am super excited for the future of this blog & to bring you more content documenting a very free lifestyle especially since I’ve had the best time doing this for over a year now.
A big part of this blog is to not only help you reconnect with yourself but also to create a lovely support system. This is a place you can always come to escape the overwhelming realities of the world. So first things first, how are you feeling? Tell me about your passions and inspirations and why you ended up here. I want this to be a place where anyone can freely and unapologetically be themselves. Feedback & suggestions are always welcome. Reach out to me anytime you’d like and be sure to sign up for my email campaigns for upcoming posts.
I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.
Follow me on my other socials for day to day updates on what’s happening in my life. Everything will always be linked down below. You can expect more from me very soon. Love you guys and see you next week.
- Anna
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Watch my latest YouTube video: TBR List: End of 2023 (fiction, wellness + more)